Our Journey to Macraband for Apple Watch
November 11, 2019
I can’t believe it’s finally here!
Macraband for Apple Watch has been a labor of love for over a year. To be totally honest, it’s been quite a journey too. We had several hurdles to overcome, but we did it!
There was a lot of trial and error along the way, some beta testing by family members (thank you!!!) and more returns to the drawing board than I’d like to admit.
But it’s here! And it’s awesome!
I thought it would be nice to share a bit of my journey, so here goes!

The single most important change we needed to make was creating a two-piece Macraband. As you all know, our traditional watchbands are made in one piece, from buckle to tip. But the Apple Watch has sensors on the back which must come in contact with your wrist. As a result, we needed to find a way to design these bands so they don’t cover the back of the watch. Hence, the two-piece design.
Okay, so you say how hard can this be, right? Um, well… the tail end of the band was a breeze, but the buckle end proved to be a bit of a challenge. Here’s the thing, the tail end has one attachment point, at the adaptor (
the piece that slides into your Apple Watch), but the buckle end has two: the adaptor and the buckle. So, the conundrum was how do I secure the cords to both the adaptor and the buckle? And how do I create a clean, secure ending?

There were many iterations of the buckle end of the band. I messed around with a number of options and must have created about four different ways of ending the band before I FINALLY came up with something that is strong and secure. I knew it as soon as it was done. This was it!
The next challenge, now that I had the mechanics figured out, was to work on sizing. We wanted to design
Macraband for Apple Watch in set size ranges. We also wanted to make sure they would accommodate both a woman’s and a man’s wrist. After much research into how bands for the Apple Watch are scaled and sized, we decided on three size ranges - short, medium and long - rather than the two commonly offered. Why you ask? Well, we felt this would allow for a more individualized fit and provide a good range for people with anything from a 5” to a 9” wrist.
Last challenge: For a little extra security, we wanted to add a second keeper (
that little loop you stick the tail end through to secure it) that you can simply slide into place. A little trial and error and then boom! A floating keeper was born!
Now that we had all the technical stuff figured out it was time for the fun part: Designs and Colors!!!
The goal for launch, was to create two distinct designs that are exclusive to
Macraband for Apple Watch. Keeping the minimalist esthetic of the Apple Watch in mind was important to me. At the same time, this is a Macraband and it should unmistakably look like one. We are so excited to bring you these new designs!
Collection 301 is our two-tone stripe style. Developing the color combinations was an absolute blast! So many things/people/places inspired these colors (
more on that in future blog posts). I think we’ve come up with an exciting collection that really runs the gamut from fun weekend wear to suit appropriate. These color combinations speak equally well to both men and women. I just know you will find something here you will like!
With a nod to our ever popular
Style 106 for traditional watchbands,
Collection 306 is our solid chevron style for the Apple Watch. A simple design motif adds a bit of texture to this wonderful array of colors. Neutral colors, vibrant colors and everything in between. You will notice the small is slightly different than the medium and long. In order to best balance the design with the length of the band, the small has two sets of chevrons and the medium and long have three.
There will definitely be more designs coming in the future – I have so many ideas bouncing around in my brain I don’t know where to start, LOL. I also have ideas for other things but that’s top secret, so stay tuned!
For those of you on social media, I have created a new hashtag: #MacrabandStyle. We love to see how our customers wear their Macraband watchbands, whether traditional or for the Apple Watch. Show us some pictures! And use our new hashtag, #MacrabandStyle when you do and we may feature you on our feed, in future blog posts or perhaps there may be a contest or two in the future, wink, wink.
Show off your #MacrabandStyle!
Macraband for Apple Watch is compatible with all versions of the Apple Watch, series 1 – 5.
We have updated our FAQ’s to include, we hope, all of your questions about Macraband for Apple Watch. Have more questions? Contact Us